Anti-Phishing and Bank Mode helps to block suspicious pages and stops anyone from accessing your private details via a keystroke logger. They encrypt your internet history and prevent it from storing any cookies and spam that could breach your security.Īvast Secure Browser also comes with 24/7 security features that make your browsing experience much better.
Other specific features include the Privacy Cleaner and Private Mode. It is complemented by the Anti-Fingerprint feature makes the web fingerprint more distinct and unnoticeable to phishers. Anti-Tracking blocks servers from tracking your online transactions. Plus this is accessible from the Security & Privacy Center, this can be accessed by clicking on the shield icon next to the address bar. The main difference between Avast Secure Browser and other browsers is that Avast has all the security and privacy functionalities built-in. Its user interface is almost the same as that of Google Chrome. This ensures that it offers all of Chromium's quality and usability features. This is because it's based on Chromium - an open-source browser by Google. It comes with built-in cybersecurity features that defend you from a range of threats without reducing performance and reliability.
Avast Secure Browser is a web browser intended to provide safe and secure browsing.